The git version control system

The git version control system#


The git tool is a popular version control system originally authored by Linus Tolvalds, the creator of the first Linux kernel. It is free, open source software and supports a distributed development paradigm in which many (tens or hundreds) of groups or users can independently develop the same package without unduely impacting on each other’s work.

Although extremely powerful, git can be intimidating for new users. While basic git usage will be part of your day-to-day activities, you will find yourself making serious use during the various projects. Practice is strongly recommended before the course begins.

Software Carpentry Lectures#

Students should complete the Software Carpentry tutorial on using git. You can either install git on your own computer by following the instructions here, or access it via the Unix shell in the course Jupyterhub installation by following this link.


Git is preinstalled on Mac OS X and many popular Linux distributions. Windows users should see Software Installation for our recommended instructions on installing the git command line tools