Part I: Getting Started#

This section provides information to get you stated compiling C & C++ code on your system, as well as a basic introduction to the C language syntax and how it differs from Python. By the end of the session you should be able to compile a file, either on your own system, or via the web, as well as being able to convert some simple Python algorithms into C++

The section is divided into five lessonns.

  1. Compiling & Running: In which we introduce several different ways to go from writing C++ code in source files to being able to run it on a computer.

  2. Hello World!: In which we look in more detail at a simple introductory C/C++ program, and compare it to the Python equivalent.

  3. Numerical Examples: In which we make a start on using C++ to calculate with numerical data.

  4. Debugging & Troubleshooting: In which we take a look at some of the information compilers give us when things go wrong, along with some basic tips to fix things.

  5. Further Exercises: In which you are given some more ideas for C++ code to write to practise your skills.

This is the most important section of primer, if you find you do not have time to complete the whole section, concentrate here.